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Fourth episode of UltiSnips Screencast

UltiSnips Screencast Episode 4

I got around doing the final episode of my little screencast series on UltiSnips. This time I talk about Python interpolation and give an example of a snippet that really makes my life easier.

I always wanted to have a few screencasts showing off the main features of UltiSnips but nobody was willing to take the time and effort to produce them. Now that I've done it myself I can understand why: It takes a lot of time. From start to finish - planing, recording, cutting, uploading and promoting one screencast of roughly ten minutes takes approximately six to eight hours. It was a lot of fun doing the casts though and I learned a lot. I am also reasonably pleased with the final results.

If someone suggest a really good topic for a fifth screencast, I will consider making one. But I feel that UltiSnips' main features are well covered now. Thanks for sticking with me throughout the series!